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Smart Irrigation System
Smart Irrigation System

Smart irrigation systems are a combination of an advanced technology of sprinklers with nozzles that improve coverage and irrigation controllers that are watering and water conservation systems that monitor moisture-related conditions on your property and automatically adjust watering to optimal levels.

There are two general types of smart irrigation technology: weather based and soil moisture based. Both can help you save water, but there are some important differences.

1. Weather-Based Irrigation System  

Weather-based irrigation system includes either a mini on-site weather station or weather sensor capable of monitoring conditions such as temperature, rainfall, and solar radiation on your property, or this same information is broadcast to the irrigation controller from a remote weather site.

2. Moisture-Based System  

This technology uses sensors to measure the actual moisture content of the soil. It then adjusts the time of irrigation water based on this data. As with weather-based systems, moisture-based systems are marketed both as integrated controllers and as add-on technology. Prices for this type of system vary considerably, from a couple hundred to thousands of dollars.